2023 California Occupational Lead Fee Waiver Application

Request for a Waiver of the Occupational Lead Poisoning Fee (OLP Fee)

Employers who altered or disturbed "Altered or disturbed" has a specific regulatory definition, which is “subjected to a process that may result in the release of dust, mist, fume, or other particles. Such processes may include, but are not limited to, cutting, welding, grinding, polishing, scraping, melting, sanding, spraying, or pressure blasting.”
  • Painters: sanding, scraping, or preparing painted surfaces prior to repainting
  • Contractors, plumbers, HVAC contractors: cutting through painted walls to access plumbing, HVAC ducts, etc.; use of materials such as solder that contain lead
  • Demolition: tearing down structures, tearing off old roofs
  • Firearms: security personnel discharging firearms with leaded ammunition
  • Scrap metal: recycling brass, bronze, and some steel and aluminum alloys; cutting or crushing painted or coated materials, etc.
no lead or de minimus lead "De minimus amount" means any of the following:
  • Lead present in materials which are altered or disturbed and have a lead concentration less than 0.5% (5000 ppm) by weight;
  • Lead present in materials where the total weight of such materials altered or disturbed during the calendar year is known to be 16 ounces (one pound) or less by weight;
  • Lead present in materials where no such material is altered or disturbed at any individual employee's place of employment on more than one day during the calendar year, i.e., if no employee works on more than one day during the calendar year in any location where lead-containing materials are being altered or disturbed, then the amount is de minimus.
(amounts of lead of minor importance) are eligible for a waiver of the OLP Fee. Submittal of this on-line application does not constitute a decision regarding approval of a waiver.

In order to complete this on-line request for waiver, you will need to do the following:

1. Have your CDTFA account number. Your CDTFA account number is printed on the letter OLPPP sent in response to your request for an electronic fee waiver application. You may also contact CDTFA at 1-800-400-7115 (CRS):711 (in California) or 1-916-445-6362 (from outside California) or visit CDTFA's website to Login and obtain your CDTFA account number.

2. Have your OLPPP issued password. This password can be found under your CDTFA account number on the letter OLPPP sent in response to your request for an electronic fee waiver application. The password is case sensitive; be sure to type your password exactly as it appears on the letter you received. You will be locked out of the system after 3 unsuccessful login attempts. If you have lost your OLPPP letter containing your password, please email us at leadfeewaiver@cdph.ca.gov to request a new password or to unlock the login screen.

3. Designate a qualified person Use any occupational health and safety personnel (e.g., industrial hygienist, safety professional, occupational health nurse, occupational medicine physician etc.) your company may have available.

Other potentially qualified personnel include environmental health and safety manager, production or operations managers, president/owner, chemists, toxicologists, range master, quality assurance/quality control director, job or shop foreman, consultant, or other personnel who are familiar with all of your company’s California production processes and raw materials.
to review all of your company’s California business location(s) and work site operations for the presence of lead-containing materials.

4. Designate a person who has authority to report on your company’s business activities.

5. Know the total number of employees in 2023.

6. Have additional documentation depending on your industry:
If your company.
  • Does construction or painting: list of site addresses and dates of original construction, dates of jobs performed, lead test results, subcontractors contact information
  • Alters or disturbs any metal: Safety Data Sheet (SDS), alloy information, invoices for purchased materials
  • Performs security services: Dated official firearms policy, invoices for ammunition
  • Uses or disturbs paints or inks: SDS, invoices for purchased materials
  • Uses or disturbs solder or brazing materials: estimate of amount of materials used, invoices and SDS
  • Was out of business for the entire previous calendar year: evidence of dissolution of business
This is not an exhaustive list of documentation that may be required. Please click here  to see a more detailed list of documentation your company may be required to provide. CDPH has the authority to request from an employer seeking a fee waiver information describing the nature of the employer’s business, including the premises, materials, or processes during the in operation of the employer’s business (Title 17, California Code of Regulations Section 38003(e)).

7. Apply no later than August 31, 2024.
You may login and work on your application as many times as you like without losing your work. The application will time out and you will be automatically logged out after 45 minutes if there is no activity. Once you have entered your final signature and hit the ‘submit’ button (after the receipt preview), you will not be able to change any of your answers or uploads. You may log in to review, save or print your receipt after your final submission. No logins will be permitted after August 31, 2024. You will be notified in writing when a decision regarding your fee waiver application request has been made.
